KAKA Community Learning Center

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KAKA Community Learning Center

The KAKA, a new brand name decided by the general body for the popularly known as KAKA COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTER, is located in Balara Municipality-04 in the district of Sarlahi of the Madhesh Province in NEPAL. It was established in 2002 by Kamleshwar Kumar Sinha, PhD in Psychology, and was instantly recognized by the Government of Nepal (Letter No. 620-2002/2003 Dated 26, December 2002, Non-formal Education Center, Ministry of Education.

Out the four CLCs in the district of Sarlahi, the KAKA alone has heretofore been active and impactful in achieving the goals envisaged in the Constitution of Nepal. Given the well-defined goals and proper implementation strategies, the KAKA has effectively touched upon the lives of thousands of citizens belonging to the disadvantaged and marginalized local communities since its inception. The foci have so far been on the promotion of literacy, life-long learning, and community development as reported below.

  1. KAKA Profile

1 a Established: 2002.

1 b. Approved: Non-formal Education   Center, Ministry of  Education

Government of Nepal.

1c. Mission / Vision: The KAKA CLC aims at promoting welfare of the disadvantaged local community especially females and illiterates by making them at least literate and empowering them to be financially independent. Hence, KAKA programs visualise to provide the participants with opportunities to equip themselves with various livelihoods skills offered in their mother tongues.

1d .Slogan:Development through Constant Self–Renewals

[Nepali translation: विकासको लागि सतत आत्मनवीकरण”]


1 e. Logo and stamp:

In the upper part of the logo brand name KAKA has been written. In the middle of the logo the ducklings are learning skills of swimming with the mother duck by alighting water and mother duck is making them learn the skill of swimming where ducklings are above the mother . This image truly reflects on the activities and goals of the KAKA CLC and resonates well with mission of a CLC envisaged in the Constitution of Nepal. Establishment year is at the bottom of logo.

In the upper part of stamp the slogan of this center has been written in English and in the bottom part in Nepali. Below the English slogan name of center is mentioned and upper side of Nepali slogan address of center is written, as well as all aspects of logo are in middle of stamp. It has further been decided that the English and Nepali stamps will now have brevity and precision with regards to the KAKA CLC history and mission to effectively remind people of the value of life-long learning and constant self-renewals for social development and changes.

1 f. Key Achievements and Visibility

  • Recognized by United Nations Nepal as the implementing partner in 2019.
  • KAKA is the only CLC in Madhesh Province having a partnership with UNESCO Kathmandu in implementing the UNESCO projects.
  • In collaboration with Language Commission Nepal, KAKA prepared the History (2020), Dictionary (2021) and Grammar (2022) of Bajjika Language the mother tongue of people of this area. Bajjika is one of the official language in Madhesh Pradesh.
  • With the assistance of Bajjika specialists, KAKA published textbooks of Classes 1 (2020) and 2 (2021) in Bajjika Language.
  • KAKA has its own land an area of 1771.75 square feet of in which three floor modern building of 6,000 square feet in a popular areas.
  • Facilities of rest house.
  • KAKA has a well-established library and reading room along with Wi-Fi.
  • KAKA has website in English and Nepali kakaclc. org. np
  • KAKA has managed a hostel for student of Balara polytechnic Institute, Balara.
  • In morning sift arranged  Jim and exercise  in center
  • KAKA has provided spaces to community for celebrating social and religious function.
  1. Organizational Chart of KAKA

  1. Important Records

3.1 Minutes of Management Committee

3.2 Annual program and Implementation report

3.3 Monitoring Record

3.4 Audit Report

3.5 Social Audit

3.6 General Assembly

3.7 Annual Report

3.8 EMIS Report

  1. Sources of Income

4.1 Grants from Municipality

4.2 Membership Fee

4.3 Utensils

4.4 Tailoring Machine

4.5 Training Hall

4.6 House Rent

4.7 Economical support from Madhesh Pradesh

  1. Future Program

5.1 Improvement of Institutional and structural capacity  of the center .

5.2 Promote traditional knowledge and skill.

5.3   Provide an opportunity to learn useful skill for life, continuous education and lifelong learning for Constant Self–Renewals

5.4 Enforce Implementation integrated social services with Information Technology according to policy of center.

5.5     Support to the local government for its efficiency and effectiveness.

5.6      To make more effective of KAKA ….Forever Award use

5.7      Develop library and reading room as modern style

5.8      Through Plantation Implementing the Concept of Green Community.


6.1 Self-awareness in corning people about Community Learning Center

6.2 To promote Cooperation with local Government.

6.3 To crease enthusiastically participation of community in program of center.

6.4 To sustain economic and technical sources of center.

 Invitations for Donations and Support

7.1. Arrangement of sustainable economic resources for doing special work, such as scholarship, reward, and honor to local people for inspiring community.

7.2 To register technical support and facilitation in community learning center.

7.3 Help to objects and material

Message from


"We are for our community and the community is for us. Let's enjoy living in the community and fulfilling endless demands on us."
Kamleshwar kumar Sinha PhD
Chairperson KAKA Community Learning Center

Management Committee

Management Team of KAKA Community Learning Center.