KAKA Community Learning Center

Success Story 1

Ram Balak Singh, aged 75 years and a farmer of Balara Municipality, had paralytic attack on March 17, 2019. Consequently, Mrs. Aadar Devi Singh, his wife, became unconscious. Consistent with the custom, a wizard was called in. As he was trying magical tricks, at that time naturally Mrs. Singh became conscious by herself. She with another woman namely, Mrs. Urmila Devi who had participated in “Woman Group Training” of Ward No. 4 of Balara Municipality organized by KAKA CLC under participatory program of UNESCO, questioned the magical power of wizard. They urged that Mr. Singh be treated by a proper medical doctor and not the wizard. People saw merit in their stand and took Mr. Singh to the hospital and he was cured.

                                 Treatment points toward the success of the Women Empowerment Program in   which two women had participated. Notably, there was a change in not only their belief system but also in behavior. Now, they could readily mobilize villagers for using modern method of medical treatment